New Life Trinity Church Ministry
Go up the mountains and bring wood and build the temple, that I may take pleasure in it and be glorified” says the Lord in Hag 1:8. In this restoration God is restoring people to Himself. Many people are going to come to the Kingdom of God and they need a place where they can meet and pray freely without limitations. At the present moment most of our services are held in rented places. This limits our flexibility and takes a lot of our financial resources which could be used for furthering the work of God. So having our own buildings will go a long way in helping save these resources and gives us more time to achieve our endeavor.
The objective of this Christian organization shall be to assist the body
of Christ in general and fulfill the commission of Jesus Christ; namely to go
into the world and preach the Gospel to every creature (Mark 16: 16)
particularly to promote the advancement and propagation of life in Jesus Christ
to every creature throughout The World.
To Establish Local Churches, organized upon a sound scriptural basis,
Sunday Schools and Bible training institutions for the training of potential
Ministers and Christian Workers.
As a church should be subject to higher Powers (National Governments)
which have been ordained of God (Rom 13: 1) and to the existing governmental
Policy in the country in which the Church is established.
therefore intend to build Church buildings and Pastors accommodation in
all areas where it is physically represented. Should you wish to be a part of
this noble cause please forward your donation indicating that it’s specifically
for this project.
New Life Trinity Church Ministry
working in uneducated women and girls, to teach them the word of God for betterment for their lives in getting more and more knowledge for their families. Since 2011 passion of Christ ministry visiting in the deferent areas to find those women and girls to passionately proclaim the word of Almighty. Our ambitious and bidding for these women and girls to walk straight to exaltation.New Life Trinity Church MinistryNew Life Trinity
Church Ministry
is specially chosen by for this project of children. Our vision and bidding for this Sunday school is very high , to find the towns or areas and visiting door to door to find the children for Sunday school bible study . This ministry is concentrating in two areas (Essa Nagri and Jamshaid Town and by His grace in Essa Nagri we have 54 children in strength and in jamshaid town as we have in this New Year and right now strength is increasing among in this town. We are concentrating to teach them about Jesus Christ, about old and New Testament prophets and new songs, verses in Urdu and English and these things change in every week. We use deferent helping aids like charts, cards, papers and children story books for them. And as well we use drawing books for them to know about Jesus. And every week we gave them juices, cookies, candies and some more refreshment for their activities and every end of the month there will be a written and oral test of Sunday school children because our ministry wants to know that how much children learn in one month.
We thank God that day by day He is increasing the growth of the children
in learning the knowledge of bible. As our big mission to work among children
and we are working on it to increase our Sunday schools in our city and after
that in our country that whatever and whenever Holy Spirit lead us. MATTHEW
19:14 “Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these”. Please join us and join
your hands with us in prayers and
To visit orphans in their trouble, and to keep
oneself unspotted from the world.” Jas 1: 27. In keeping with the word of God
Life in
New Life Trinity Church Ministry
you wish to be a part of this vision please forward your donation indicating
that it’s specifically for this project. Remember your donation can make a
difference towards accomplishment this vision.
the intends to reach out to all areas of Pakis tan, all places of the Pakistn,
harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray the Lord
of the Harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.” Matt 9: 37 – 38. New Life Trinity Church Ministry
for prayers for this vision to be fulfilled. Your prayer can make a difference.
always have His own plans for their loved ones as HE chooses us for this vision
to organize the seminars & conventions in deferent areas where people just
busy in their homes works and in their jobs. As our beloved Jesus Christ done
this job to heal and people and save the people in their problems but it’s just
depends on the faith and trust on Lord. Jesus Christ heals the people whenever
we arrange the seminars and conventions for the people and when we search city
to city we have seen people have thrust in their lives to know about the love
of Jesus Christ and the sacrifice of Him. And the New Life Trinity Church Ministry
10:52 “Go,” said Jesus, “your faith has healed you,” Immediately he received
his sight and followed Jesus along the road.
New Life Trinity Church Ministry
are humbly requesting you and your church to pray for these home churches that
God develop His work in the lives of our country.
1:4 “who gave himself for our sins to rescue us from the present evil age,
according to the will of our God & Father”.
bidding to find and reach to those widows who have not anything for their
lives, we visited in deferent areas to feeding the widows with groceries,
clothes and etc. And the one main thing is to teach them the words of Lord
.Because the words of the Lord is necessity for them. By the grace of Almighty
this ministry helping and feeding 50 widows in every month with clothes and
groceries and their children school fees. New Life Trinity Church Ministry
4:17 “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn’t do it. Sins”
help us to feed the widows in Pakistan.
New Life Trinity Church Ministry
New Life Trinity Church Ministry
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